As a realtor your job is very important and the kind of relationship you form with your clients will really play a part in the sales that you make. Asbestos and real estate can sometimes go hand in hand. It’s important for your clients to feel comfortable and safe with you when they are going through the process of buying a home. As a realtor, it’s a good idea to have a network of trustworthy companies you can refer out to when needed. For instance what would happen to your potential sale, your buyers and your sellers, if a house you’re trying to sell has asbestos? Check out the rest of this article to learn why it’s important for you to be knowledgeable about asbestos and real estate and how we can help!
How Home Inspections Effect A Realtor
As the realtor you play a very significant role in the home buying process. Most people whether they are the buyer or the seller will look to their real estate agent for advice. You are the person who will help them make important decisions and guide them through a process they probably aren’t familiar with. When buying and selling a home, having knowledge in many areas throughout the process can only help your reputation as a realtor. It’s important that you can refer your clients to other professionals that may be involved in the process.
A home inspection is a crucial part of buying a home. It’s when the true condition of the home is documented for the buyer and seller to review. There’s always going to be something the inspector finds, but sometimes it’s not always something little or fixable. Finding asbestos in a home can cause concern for everyone involved.
Having a good, reliable, certified home inspector in your network of professionals is very important. When a home inspection is conducted you want to make sure that a credible person is there doing the work. Especially if your reputation depends on it. A good home inspector that you can trust might take time to find, but it’s important for you and your clients that someone who can efficiently conduct an inspection is there and doesn’t overlook anything as important as asbestos. From there the process would begin to get more detailed and a specific asbestos sampling would need to be done.
What If Asbestos Is Found In A Home Inspection
It could be extremely frustrating for everyone involved when you’re close to making a sale on a home and the home inspector finds something like asbestos. When found during a pre-sale home inspection, it holds back the entire pre-selling or even selling process. Often, deals are put down or aside resulting frustration for everyone.
However with the proper procedures taken and asbestos laboratory testing, it could be possible that sales could be finalized and everyone wins. In order to make sure the home does in fact have asbestos an asbestos inspector would have to come to the home and take samples of all of the areas thought to be hazardous.
During this process, the potential buyers and the seller’s of the home might be under a lot of stress. Although the realtor would miss out on the sale of the home, the buyer and seller will be looking to their realtors for advice and guidance. At this time it would be beneficial to everyone for the realtor to point their clients in the direction of the asbestos testing company as well as the laboratory doing the testing. Since the realtor doesn’t have the expertise these companies would have, it’s important for them to get the information they need to make decisions going forwards.
For a realtor, it’s a good idea to have a good relationship with these third party companies. Someone you know is certified to inspect the area and know that they will take proper precautions when examining the home, as well as inform the buyer and seller of the situation.
A good professional relationship with the lab will pay off for the realtor. You want to be able to trust the lab and understand the process that they go through. Having confidence in your team of professionals will allow you and your clients feel confident during this stressful time.
How We Handle Asbestos In The Home
Our professional conducts an inspection of the property.
The inspections will be conducted by a certified trained professional to find Asbestos Containing Material (ACM). The certified technician may also perform an Air Quality Test if necessary.
All samples will be analyzed at our Certified Laboratory facility under the Environmental Standard criteria. After the testing we will provide the results in an easy-to-read report.
The results will accurately point out the Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM). With all the results in hand and if ACM is then we can refer you to a remediation company if requested. After remediation the problem, the removal company will provide you with a final air clearance report to show that there are no asbestos fibers in the air. You may also choose to have us return to provide the final air clearance to avoid a conflict of interest. to ensure there is no asbestos fibers present in the air.
We understand how important the buying and selling process is, and we want to ensure an educational and stress free process during the time of inspection. We value what we do and hope it helps our clients feel comfortable and confident while using our services.
Want To Learn More?
If you still have questions about asbestos and real estate, take a look at our FAQ page for more information. If you still can’t find the answers you’re looking for, feel free to contact us online or give us a call at (908) 206-0073 and one of our friendly team members would be happy to help you.