Asbestos Inspection Services
Looking for an asbestos inspection for your property?
Call now 1800-908-6679 or click to have one of our consultant contact you
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According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), asbestos is well recognized as a health hazard. It’s use is now highly regulated by both OSHA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and we can help you ensure you’ll be able to pass those asbestos regulations.
Asbestos fibers are associated with health risks that can be hard to see with the naked eye. For example, breathing asbestos fibers can cause a buildup of scar-like tissue in the lungs. This is just one impact of asbestos and is called asbestosis. Asbestosis can result in the loss of lung function that often progresses to disability and/or death.
To help prevent illness, disability or death from asbestos, the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Compliance Monitoring (NESHAP) created protocols for dealing with current structures that were built with asbestos components. Their rules state:
On the other hand NESHAP states that:
The owner or operator of a demolition or renovation activity and prior to the commencement of the demolition
or renovation will thoroughly inspect the affected facility or part of the facility where the demolition or
renovation operation will occur for the presence of asbestos.
What’s the Importance of an Asbestos Inspection?
Well, the number one reason is the protection of your health. Unfortunately, asbestos cannot be seen with the naked eye. This makes it especially dangerous because asbestos fibers can be easily inhaled and many people don’t know it’s in their homes.
So how do you know if asbestos exists in your home? Asbestos inspections are the only way to find out for sure. A trained inspector will be able to identify asbestos and suggest the best course of action for your situation.
As asbestos is disturbed, it breaks down into microscopic particles that are easily inhaled or ingested. Over time, asbestos inhalation can lead to asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. The bad news is: asbestos may already be anywhere in your home. Asbestos inspections can help ensure your home is safe for you and your family.
Where Can I Find Asbestos?
Asbestos was used in insulation for years before it became known how harmful it could be to humans. Asbestos can be found throughout older homes, commercial buildings, and schools. Identifying asbestos can be difficult, but asbestos testing can reveal the asbestos is present so removal procedures can begin. Asbestos may be present in your:
- Roofing, shingles, and siding
- Stucco, loose, blown-in insulation, cement board siding (transite);
- Textured or stipple-coated walls and ceilings;
- Backing behind recessed lighting, switches, and outlets;
- Artificial fireplaces, door gaskets on furnaces, and wood/coal-burning stoves
- Window putty
- Floor tiles and sheet flooring
- Pipe insulations, boilers, and furnaces insulation…
Asbestos Can Also Be a Problem During
Real Estate Transactions
Pre-Sale HOME Inspection
When a pre-sale home asbestos inspection comes back positive, it holds back the entire pre-selling or even selling process. Often, deals are put down or aside resulting in frustration for both buyers and sellers.
BUT THERE’S Good News!
Keep calm, we assure you that in most cases the existence of asbestos is really easy to fix. After all, even a positive asbestos inspection can be rectified with the right professional team.
Asbestos Inspection
If an asbestos inspection and asbestos testing are necessary, there are four steps to be taken.
- 01
Our professional asbestos inspectors conduct an inspection of the property
The asbestos inspections will be conducted by a certified trained professional to find Asbestos Containing Material (ACM). This process usually takes less than 1 hour to perform. The certified technician will also perform an Air Quality Test if necessary.
- 02
The samples are submitted to the Laboratory
All samples will be analyzed at our Certified Laboratory facility under the Environmental Standard criteria. After the asbestos testing is complete, we will provide the results in an easy-to-read report.
- 03
The samples are submitted to the Laboratory
The results will accurately point out the Asbestos Containing Material (ACM). With all the results in hand and if ACM is found it is time to look for a remediation service company.
- 04
Post Remediation Testing (Clearance Air Testing)
After remediating the problem, a third party company must perform what is commonly called Clearance Air Test to ensure there are no asbestos fibers present in the air.
Looking for an asbestos inspection for your property?
Call now 1800-908-6679 or click to have one of our consultant contact you