Accuracy is of the utmost importance when conducting a mold inspection on a property. It’s necessary to detect and identify mold quickly because it presents health issues and can cause structural concerns on a significant level. So that mold can be identified quickly and dealt with in expedited fashion, when it comes time to test and/or inspect a property, preparation is essential.
By following the advice detailed below, you will be better prepared for a more successful mold inspection and remediation.
Devices That Improve Air Quality
it’s important that any devices that help improve air quality be shut off for the inspection. This can refer to air purifiers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, etc. Because the air in a space can be affected by these devices, the outcome of the test could be altered. Additionally, they may increase the spread of mold making your already existing problem more aggressive. Make sure you power off either whole-home systems or single room units before an inspection.
A Place for Everything – Everything in Its Place
Without warning, mold can spread quickly. That’s what makes it so dangerous. Mold may have already traveled to surfaces on furniture even though you think it’s restricted to the floor and walls. Into other areas of your home, you could be transporting mold if you move that furniture. This increases the damage potential. Until testing and remediation are completed, things should remain in place.
To Clean or Not to Clean
Within the space you feel may be affected by mold, don’t do any cleaning prior to the inspection. The reading could be thrown off just like it would by the air improvement devices mentioned above. Inaccurate mold testing could result in a contaminated area where all you did was run a dust cloth across the surface. Test readings are also affected by cleaning products and chemicals you may have used to tidy up. Until the testing is done, keep the area in as natural a condition as possible.
Don’t Do Any Excess Ventilating
If an area where you suspect mold is already ventilated, don’t ventilate it additionally. Into the space concerned, more environmental elements are introduced by ventilating. If no ventilation was present in the area in the first place, don’t start it now, before the test.
False positive test results could occur if additional elements are introduced to the airspace being tested. For the most accurate results, until the test and inspection are over, don’t open any doors or windows in the space in question.
One final piece of advice for those who think they may have cause for concern regarding a mold problem.
Last But Not Least – Contact Iris Environmental Laboratories
For affordable and reliable mold and asbestos inspections, your best bet is to talk to the experts at Iris Environmental Laboratories. If you’ve just moved into a new building, if you’re worried about the soil at a construction site, if you’ve noticed a problem with mold, or if you are considering purchasing a building but think that mold or asbestos might be a problem, we are the service to call.
Contact us for more information.