Asbestos Bulk and Swab Collection

How do you know if a certain item contains asbestos?

Unfortunately, you can’t do that by simply looking at the object or surface. One of the most effective ways to confirm the presence of asbestos is to extract samples of the material and send it to an accredited asbestos laboratory for further inspection. If you are looking for a company that offers these lab services, you’ve come to the right place. Iris Environmental Laboratories specializes in asbestos bulk and swab collection.

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Understanding Asbestos Bulk and Swab Collection

Individuals who breathe in high levels of asbestos fibers can increase their risks to certain types of lung cancers.
Asbestos is the generic term for mineral fibers found in rock formations. Because of its fire-resistant properties,
durability, and strength, asbestos was widely used in the past in construction and other industries. For example, the
fibers were added to products such as ceiling tiles and insulation. Since they were often mixed with other substances,
asbestos was very difficult to visually identify.

Asbestos bulk and swab collection is the process of extracting and collecting small portions of items that are suspected
to contain asbestos. Also known as bulk samples, they are collected and sent to a laboratory for analysis. In addition to
determining the type and quantity of asbestos, bulk sampling allows individuals to work out the necessary remedial

Why Do You Need Asbestos Bulk and
Swab Collection Services?

Although some modern products still contain asbestos, they are limited in quantities, as well as are regulated and
properly labelled. Before the 1970s, however, a wide array of home building materials contained asbestos and have a
higher risk of releasing the dangerous fibers into the air. These products include:

Although some modern products still contain asbestos, they are limited in quantities, as well as are regulated and
properly labelled. Before the 1970s, however, a wide array of home building materials contained asbestos and have a
higher risk of releasing the dangerous fibers into the air. These products include:

  • Roofing felt
  • Vermiculite attic insulation
  • Rubber floor tiles
  • Acoustical ceiling tiles
  • Hot water heating pipes
  • Cement sheet
  • Drywall joint compounds
  • Textured paints
  • Door gaskets in furnaces
  • Artificial ashes used in traditional gas fireplaces
  • … and more!

Choose Iris Environmental Laboratories for Professional Asbestos Bulk and Swab Collection Services

Iris Environmental Laboratories has over 10 years of experience in the field of asbestos bulk and swab collection. Because we conduct our business on a one-on-one basis, our team can solve problems and deliver test results while ensuring fast turnaround time. You enjoy peace of mind knowing that our reliable and proven asbestos analytical services are also very affordable

From OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) to the NVLAP (National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program) Lab Code 600211-0, Iris Environmental Laboratories is a fully certified and insured firm. Our achievements and certifications make us one of the top laboratories to work with for all your asbestos inspection needs.

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